Clips from internet dialogs, response to current events, general silliness...This Pittsburgh emigrate embraces the Chocolate City by un-embracing the partisan couture du norm with a dose of hometown flavor.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The election process and personal responsibility...these guys are jokes

This is not my resounding support for President Obama, but Governor Romney is a Mickey Mouse Candidate.  How the republican party continually puts forth these candy nominees is befuddling.  The Republican party has lost their way.  The Unites States is not an episode of Leave it to Beaver. 

Why is it so fashionable to let minimal resumes become candidates.  A two-year senator?  A balanced ticket governor?  When did being good with business become a per-requisite?  The country does not need to be ran like a business.  The military might of the leader of the free-world is not needing to be ran like a business.  Political leaders do not create jobs.  Political leaders need jobs and just like everyone else who needs jobs, will do or say anything to get and maintain them.  Hard work and dedication create jobs.  New businesses create jobs.  Investment in the market and in entrepreneurs create jobs.  Volatile policy  destroys jobs no matter the ideology.

Special interests of the disenfranchised do not dictate the whole of policy.  Human rights, and not biblical rights, are to be respected and that's that.  Equal rights and freedoms for all, period.  Those who do not work and contribute to this society do not deserve a larger share than they themselves are not willing to provide.  Banks did not fail because people act irresponsibly with their money.  Banks act like banks act, as with investment houses.  How about we pass laws that do not allow you to purchase a house without significant liquid capital?  How about we pass laws that do not allow you to have children if you are not able to suitably provide for them?  Didn't think so.  If political leaders won't enforce personal responsibility, why should anyone assume personal responsibility for the mess we are in.  Right, I forgot, it's wall-street's problem. 

For decades our elections are filled with punch-lines, and the citizenry is the joke.  Fact, an average of 53 percent of the total voting public votes for the president.  That 53 percent is split 51/49 on average.  Half of a half decides who becomes the leader of the free world.  Even less determines the congressional.  Disgraceful.

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